The Real Results Tracker posts the specific results we have achieved for our clients in their drunk driving cases as they occur. No other firm in Wisconsin can match our record of success. Take a look at our results. See for yourself. Ask other lawyers if they have this level of success in their cases. You will quickly see why Melowski and Associates truly is Wisconsin's most successful drunk driving defense firm.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
April 12, 2011: Complete Acquittal in OWI-1st Case
At the jury trial of County of W. v. J.N., the jury found the client Not Guilty of both OWI-1st (.11 breath test result) and PAC-1st. During the trial, Attorney Dennis Melowski was able to not only overcome the prosecution's key piece of evidence (the officer's squad video), he was able to completely turn the tables on the prosecutor and use the video to his client's advantage. Using the video, Dennis was able to catch the officer red-handed in several breaches of protocol, in addition to exposing obvious contradictions between what the officer testified to in court and what was actually on the video. By the end of the trial, the jury had obviously had enough of the officer's half-truths. As a result of the jury's Not Guilty verdicts, both charges were completely dismissed. Client was completely exonerated and walked away from this case as if it had never even happened in the first place.