The Real Results Tracker posts the specific results we have achieved for our clients in their drunk driving cases as they occur. No other firm in Wisconsin can match our record of success. Take a look at our results. See for yourself. Ask other lawyers if they have this level of success in their cases. You will quickly see why Melowski and Associates truly is Wisconsin's most successful drunk driving defense firm.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
An Extraordinary Rate of Success: The Year in Review So Far
At the halfway point of 2012, a stunning total of nineteen Melowski & Associates clients have avoided the life-altering stigma of a drunk driving conviction. Fourteen of these clients have had their drunk driving charges reduced to non-alcohol-related offenses or offenses that won't even appear on their driver record; three clients have been completely exonerated at trial; and two clients have had their charges completely thrown out by judges. Several others have had their cases resolved in truly remarkable ways (see March 1, April 4 and June 4 blog entries). No other firm in the state can demonstrate results like this in defending DUI cases. When we say that Melowski & Associates has an unmatched record of success, it's not some empty slogan to lure prospective new clients. It's simply the truth.